Thursday, December 24, 2009

2009 over yet?

I don't know another year I have been so glad to see go away as this year. I guess the promise of something new, better or different is so appealing this time around.

Why? This year has been the worst in a long time. I have had so many friends lose their jobs and 1st off they were living on a shoe-string budget. That budget was now reduced to a dental floss string. There have been so many events I wanted them to be with me for and the truth was, there was no money for it.

For myself I have had to come up with inventive ways to save money. Like making 24 bean and cheese burritos and freezing them, or getting chickens and raising them for their eggs. I have been recycling all our bottles and cans. We stay home a lot and don't go out to dinner much.

There have been quite a few deaths this year and we were bombarded with Celeb deaths. I really don't think anyone needs a golden casket. Then I again I wasn't a big fan of a lot of the celeb's that died. Others I was sad to see go and its just the long period of morning. It doesn't help when every one is struggling as it is.

Most of the time when I write, the very act of writing cheers me up and I end on a good note. This time, I don't mean to whine, I just need to get it off my chest. There have been good things this year too, and most of the time I focus on that, it helps. I am happy for my pups and that I have a roof over my head. I am happy for my close friends that I can depend on during these difficult times. Just a few more days and we can say good by a very difficult year. 2010 where are You?

1 comment:

JenniiDD said...

I second that! Can't wait for 2010 so 2009 can become a distant memory