Friday, January 8, 2010

What next?

There was a few good things that happened in 2009 but for the most part is was a bad year. I couldn't even get out of the year with out one more bad thing happening. On the last day of the year a knocked over the only running scooter in my shop with my own truck. I guess I had to go out with a bang.

So far this year, I have a lot of new opportunities opened up to me. While I am still working on getting my book published, I have to get a new job. As for my writing I was able to get three articles published last year and did a reading in Hollywood in December of 2009. I have had my friends view it on You Tube and got some positive feed back. It felt great to get up there and read.

As for my dancing, there are some new avenues opening up and I have no idea which road to take at this point. I will do some research and see what comes up. Belly dancing has turned out to have a life of its own. I now have plenty of outfits and my first costume fits me better now, than when I first bought it. In fact I need to take the belt in, its too big. That makes me so happy.

I am glad I spent time last year taking care of my health, now I have more energy to tackle these new challenges. Since it is a new decade and I don't look as old as I thought I would by now, it maybe time to rethink and redo my hair. If anything I will try to experiment with more up-do's. I also have plans to try new recipes at home, that should be fun. I have no idea what 2010 has in store for me, but I can't wait to see. It seems like I might have some good things come my way, as a reward for getting through last year.

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