Thursday, December 17, 2009

The End

A big part of my life is ending. I am sadden of course, so much effort was put into it. It is great waste of time and money and that makes me sick.

Then there is something else. That person had their chance to make it great, go big, be a success and they have not. I feel happy that I was part of it and it was great. It still makes me happy that the chance was taken, that it was put out there. Help was given, we tried to make a difference.

Now what? I still have other things I can do. I always have, also its time to worry about me again. Its time to work on my career and its time to focus on that. One door is closing and another is opening.

This change is not going to be easy and it will get worse before it gets better. It will get better, there will be an end to all the bad stuff I am going head long into right now. For now I have to hunker down and just deal with it.

The next step is already in the works, and to that end I am putting my name in the hat to do a reading this weekend. I still want to remain friends, its always better that way. No need to burn bridges. All the energy I put into this project will be redirected to my own projects. I still have lots of goals to pursue.

So it may the end of one thing and the begging of another.

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