Friday, May 7, 2010


There is still something romantic about getting in your car and going away for the weekend or more. We all need to get away every once in a while.

The reality is that we don't always have the money to travel. We haven't and after enduring a boring lecture about time share's we were able to get a two nights stay in Vegas. It was not easy, it was if the company didn't want to really give you anything for free. We had to badger them to make good on the offer.

The reason for us being so persistent? We really would not have the funds to travel other wise. After all we have been through in the last year, we really needed to just get out of town and relax. I still don't have a job and I need one. We were able to do some outlet shopping and that is the last time I will be able to in a while.

In the times when I really can't get away, I can always go the beach. That might not be available to everyone. There is the mountains as well. Still no gas money to travel? Then get an adventure book and take a trip in your mind. It still can be refreshing. In these difficult times we can't always get away, at least not like we used to. I have many friends in Europe I have not seen in years and I would love to. Some might come to visit us and that would be nice. If not, we can always email.

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