Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reality Check

There are things that are easy to acknowledge and others no so much. I know that at my age a career as a dancer is out of the question. While I am able to dance in small venues and pick up some tip money, it’s not like I will be the next Martha Graham.

It’s not easy to see things the way they really are. We have a tendency to wear are rose colored glasses more than we admit. Recently I found out that a girl I have known for years married the ex-husband of her best friend. It is so odd, he is much too old for her and he and his ex-wife were thinking of reconciling. Now that move, would take another divorce.

I still thought of her for so long as that little girl I knew and was close to. She has married before and that was with another man that was too old for her. It’s as if she is chasing the life the first wife had. Both first wives did not have to work and used to go to Nordstrom’s and shop all the time. It does not look good that this marriage will be any better, her new husband has already told her, he will never love her as much as his first wife.

Why would she marry him after a statement such as that? She wants things to be her way, the dream she has in her mind. That she will be better than the first wife, or whatever. She has shunned her old friends and any one that will talk to her in a straightforward manner and ask her, “What in the world do you think you are doing?” She doesn’t want the reality check, it will come to her one day, if she likes it or not.

In the last few weeks I have had to face things about myself that I have not wanted to, its’ not easy. I can handle it better now that I am a bit older. I don’t think I would have been ready a while back. Now if I am ready or not other things had to be faced, sometimes its work things or it maybe relationships. I know I like to have a lot of attention and I know that can be overbearing at times. It’s not the best quality I have. Over the years I have told myself time and again to stop and listen to others and not take over all the conversations. It’s amazing what you can learn if you stop and listen to others.

As for my old friend, I can’t tell her anything. She will not listen at this point. The great thing about that is, life will teach her better than I ever could. She will not escape this relationship and when things come crashing down she will learn. Hopefully. I can only worry about myself and face my own challenges, my own reality.

PS: just as I am about to post this. I collected the 1st egg from my chickens! It’s a small brown egg. It is broken so I can’t eat it. There will be plenty more where that came from. They are earning their keep! :-)

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