Thursday, October 14, 2010

Back Again

As some of you may know my website has been down for over a month and it just went back on-line this week.

In the weeks it was down, lots has been going on. I took a short trip up north and had a nice visit with old friends. It was much needed. The gifts we took up to our friends were all home made. Home made food, salsa and a trivet. My man brought home made beer as well.

It felt good to take up things we had made ourselves rather than something that was bought at the store. We even brought up some eggs from my chickens. Silly as that sounds I was very proud of that.

The other things have been the fact that I still can't seem to get a job. As it is I look younger than I am, but when they see my age they don't want to hire me. I will ask for more pay or not be able to run around as fast as the others? It could be that they just want to hire young kids that they can pay little to nothing and they won't complain. The other thing is, very few are hiring and they have so many applicants.

In the mean time I have printed out my book project and let a few of my friends read it. It felt great after all this time to see it looking like a book! I did my own cover sheet and decorated it the way I wanted too. Which will be the only time I will get that experience. Also the only time I will get nothing but rave reviews. My friends have been very kind.

I have much more to say but that will wait for the next time. The plans so far are to go to the Fashion Expo this weekend and Oktoberfest. Should be good!

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