Thursday, May 21, 2009


When I was a little girl I thought teachers were just great people who knew everything. This was before I know anything about ‘teacher’s edition’ books.

Over the years I have had many teachers. Lately they have all been exercise teachers and dance instructors. Which is fine, I usually make friends with them and it has been great. They have come to see my recitals and other dances. It has helped me to find the courage to get out there and dance.

Others are teachers without having a class. I learned a lot from one of my old managers. She wasn’t old; it’s just that she was at a job I used to have. She taught by example and she was always kind and generous in her time and knowledge. I have learned a lot from the men I work with now.

Last week there was a customer that was just so unreasonable and looking for a fight. It wasn’t given to him. We have to rise above it. It can be challenging when they are so unreasonable.

I try to learn from other women as well. Different cultures can teach us different ways of doing things. I have learned things from my friends in Europe; they are much more gracious than American’s. The fashion magazines try to teach us how to dress but sometimes they would have us looking silly. I don’t want to be a fashion victim; that’s for sure.

I don’t think I would be a good teacher, and for that reason I am glad I don’t have kids. It’s not that I haven’t learned things to pass on. It’s just that I have gotten stubborn the older I get, I don’t know if I would want the students to learn their way, or my way. It may be that I would want them to be like me and not themselves. I can be that way sometimes. It’s not intentional, just a side effect of my own ego.

From my English teachers I learned a love for words. From my geography teachers I learned the mountain ranges of the world and that put a desire in me to see them, to travel and see these places with my own eyes. From my dance teachers I learned a love for this art form and a desire to execute it correctly. To all my teachers….Thank you for making me better!

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