Friday, May 29, 2009


We all have times when we want to get back at people when we want revenge. Okay maybe not that bad, it just may mean we are upset at the moment.

The best thing to do? It is often hard to say. Sure it may feel good to get the 'upper hand', as it were. Most of the times it has the opposite effect.

Is there anything wrong with 'killing with kindness'? Yes it's better if we take the high road and do things people don't expect. As long as its a kind thing, can they really get mad?

In my experience they don't usually get mad when you do something nice. If there is something good and kind that we can do, then what is stopping us? Let's try to find kind words and good deeds to get us through the rough times.

If I can be remembered as a nice person that cooked well and was a good friend, is there anything better?

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