Friday, December 21, 2007

The No Kid Club

I know, the name says it all. It is sort of joke, the members are couples I know that have decided not to have children. The thought of be woken up to baby’s cries sends a shiver down our backs, much like sitting out side during a snow storm.

While I am nice to other people’s children, sometimes that makes them think I want one of my own, nothing could be further from the truth. I do love my life, and it is the one I have chosen. One that involves a lot of travel, not something I want to do with Moses’ baskets and strollers and diaper bags.

Recently I saw my friends from Germany; they are Russian and live in a small town near the Bodensee. It stuck me that my inner teenager would be very proud of me. I always wanted to go to Europe and I now I have, four times since 2003. I have friends in all these countries and I can crash at their homes and they at mine. Something I always wanted and the reason for my guest room.

The photos I have of Paris, and when I look at them again, I sometimes can’t even believe I was really there. I now know the lay of the land and don’t get lost (not that I did in the first place, but I’m really getting to know the place now.) When I see my fellow countrymen being scared about flying, or when they are over there waiting in line at Garde de Norde and have their laptops for translating just to find out there are English speaking people at the train station, it makes me laugh.

Now it is not as if I look down on people with kids, as long as they are smart. I give them gifts and support their decision. I am the first one to want to spoil their kids! My friends in Europe have great kids that are sharp as tacks, and I love them. It’s great to spend time with their kids, without all the worry about paying for schooling and day care. I know it’s a hard job. I also know I couldn’t do it. I have too many miles yet to travel.

To my friends with kids, I don’t know how you do it and my hat goes off to you. As for the members of “The No Kid Club,”……..I’ll meet you at the pub for a drink! Of course my European friends will just take their kids with them to the pub and meet up for that drink. ;-)

1 comment:

JenniiDD said...

I like kids, but I like not having to take them home. Everyone thinks when you get married you should have kids. Most people are surpirzed when I say, "no, no kids for us" and even when I say that they often respond, "well, that's just how you feel now in a few years..." it's nice to have other married couples who have no intention of having kids.