Thursday, June 12, 2008


We all have to stop our busy schedules once in a while to attend the occasional wedding of funeral. It’s the time we catch up with family and see people we haven’t seen in a long time.

I had to attend a funeral this week. While I am not close with this side of the family, it was time to go anyway. What struck me most of all was how the family talked smack about each other, even right in front of the one they were talking about. The competing for the best-dressed mom was on, as usual. The men folk compared cars and job titles.

The family member that had died was one of the few that never bought into the families’ competing and could care less about family politics. This was one of the reasons we liked him. What we did not know was that he was a leader in the world on implosions. Most of those hotels that you see on TV being imploded in Vegas or where ever, he did them.

There are only about 5 families that are in this business and they all knew him and what he was capable of doing, which was quite a statement. When he was on the job, the others felt confident that things would go smoothly and no one would be hurt, he inspired those kinds of remarks, even from people who didn’t necessarily like him.

I feel ripped off that I didn’t know about his line of work that well, I would have loved to talk to him about that. It explains why he never cared about the family politics; he loved his job and would go off for months and work. He was happy with what he did, and there is something to be said for that. My hat’s off to him! I did enjoy the time I had with him.

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