Thursday, May 12, 2011


As a child I was in awe of grown-ups. I figured my teachers where these great women who knew everything. That was before I knew about teachers editions. It may have been more of my denial. Since I was a child of divorce, my coping mechanism was to think things were just fine.

Even so, a lot of young ones feel that the grown-ups know everything. They certainly know more than we did as children. As we get older and figure out that there is some one running the controls and Toto has opened the curtain on that man, we find less things fill us with awe.

One of the most surprising things to me, is grown-up that act like children or at best teenagers. Work places are full of this. In my currant job, an all female environment, not my favorite and full of childish behaviour is a prime example.

When people tell each other to 'get a life' they mean just that. A job is a job, not a life calling. In today's job market the top sellers get the management positions. It doesn't go to the one that are most qualified to be a manager. Some managers don't have a life and obese about things that are not that important. It wouldn't seem like such a big deal if they had a life.

In an article about bad managers, the writer mentioned that people who bully or exhibit bad behaviour are trying to control things in one part of their life, while other parts are out of control. Again, 'get a life', can be said here.

What to do when grown-ups are not being adult and mature? For myself, I will not lower myself to yell at work. Nor will I gossip about it to everyone. Which is why I don't use my real name, or the name of my place of employment.

As it is, I have a life. There are so many other things for me to do when I have a day off. There is the farmers market on Thursday's in the summer, the symphony I have tickets to. Other things coming up,such as the Hollywood Forever Cemetery screenings. There are things I need to accomplish with my work, and it helps to stay focused on that and not the personality's of the co-workers. If others do not act grown-up around you, it is no reason to throw in the towel, and lay on the floor and kicking and screaming with them.

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