Thursday, March 19, 2009


The train was full in the 1st class section, or was this the 1st class section? It was an older train and we still had our own booth to ourselves. One other person was there later. She was very loud and was breaking up with her boyfriend over the phone, and leaving town at the same time it seemed. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but she was yelling on her mobile phone and squeezing her zits at the same time. She also had some kind of drink with her that she didn’t finish and which made the floor sticky. After she left the rest of the trip was fine.

We got off the train and in the shops at the station were a lot of decanter sets and other glass wear. Duh, Venation Glass! We found a place to stay with last minute bookings. It was just on the other side of the Grand Canal. As we exited and boom, we were right on the Grand Canal! It was a breath taking sight; it looks like a film set, the homes in pastel colors and the green water.

The hotel was a little tricky to find with all the nooks and crannies. I asked for some ice, I just needed was a glass full. What I got was a whole big salad bowl full of ice. I said thank you in Italian and took it up stairs. They obviously knew that American’s really like a lot of ice.

We took a ride on a Gondola after dinner. Dinner was great by the way. In the small spaces in the canals it could be just about any century, if it wasn’t for the blue glow of the TV sets in the homes.

The next day we went to the Rialto. There were plenty of shops along the way as well. We found a place that had hand blown calligraphy sets. They set down two tins with all the colors of the rainbow, just full of the pens. “Pick one.” I was instructed. I could no sooner pick my favorite flower at a flower mart! I managed to select two, with gold in the glass and two hand-bound leather journals. As I left I cried a bit, it’s difficult when you hold on to a dream for years and it comes true.

Later we went to the big town square and saw a boy with seeds in his hand feeding the pigeons. His family was filming him and the birds were pecking the food and it hurt him. He was saying “Ouch” and we chuckled, which must have ended up in the film. We also saw a big Scottie dog and asked to photograph him. The owner posed, but the photo is just of the dog.

We did get some Scotty dogs in glass at one of the shops. We didn’t get a decanter set. But it’s good to leave something for next time. We had more gelato, which felt great in the hot summer night. The next day we took an afternoon train back to Malian then a night train to Cologne Germany.

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