Thursday, July 1, 2010


There are times when we have to set aside vanity and go out with out makeup and jewelry. There are only a few times, when we go to the beach and when we have to go to the hospital.

The later is what I am talking about now. How can a visit there be done with Grace? First off, prep ahead of time. Take a night to do a facial and waxing before hand. Next take off your nail polish and make sure your nails are filed neatly.

Do what you are told. When the nurse tells you no liquor and no liquids after 12.30 pm the night before, do it. In fact stop at 10.30 instead, and no cheating. This is not the time to exercise your free will and do as you please. They also cover no illegal drugs, again all these rules are for your safety.

The interview was unusual. I have never had them ask me so many personal questions. Am I in an abusive house. I guess they wouldn't let me go home to that? I never knew they asked things like that. No on mentions that on TV.

What to do in those endless array of waiting rooms? Bring a book or grab a magazine. I found a great article on Panama hats in the Forbes lifestyle magazine. I also brought along a novel I have been reading. A good thing to bring, your Ipod. Put on some soothing music. Maybe not hard rock, something relaxing instead.

For an operation, they tell you to leave your valuables at home. Have a friend or relative handy to take care of your things while you are under. Also have them hold things you will need. I made sure to bring my softest, fluffiest slippers to go home in. Extra pillows in the car were already on stand by for me.

Let go! Yes we can be control freaks. I am used to being the one that helps everyone. It can be hard to be on the other side. I had to take a moment and think about what was scaring me. For me, my first memory of my life is being alone in the hospital when I have pneumonia. I almost died. My fear was based on my younger life. Then I thought about now, I am in the hands of trained professionals. They have all gone to schools and learned how to do their jobs, they wouldn't be here if they didn't know what to do. Let them do their job, listen to instructions and just let go.

Get to know who is working with you. I had a really nice nurse who was concerned about my blood sugar levels and did some research for me while I was under. She was very effectuate. The nurse in surgery was nice as was the handsome anesthesiologist. I made jokes with them before going under, it helps.

Afterwards, speak up. I was cold and in pain when I came to, in the recovery room. I didn't yell, but called out in a mild tone. "Nurse,Nurse!My pain is at 10." She a very considerate person, took care of me and helped me get some pain killers and breathe and did what she was trained to do. It was a real comfort and the pain went away. I had some juice and water before leaving. I also thanked all the nurses for their care and attention to detail.

Home. Don't think you are tuffer than you are. Relax, this is not time to clean the house or cook meals. If you are that controlling, you will have made meals ahead of time labeled with the days of the week for some one to microwave. I have spent the last few days, in bed watching my favorite films and shows on DVD. I need to take a shower and I have only lifted my spoon or fork. Nothing else. All the water, broth and jello diet, along with all the pain killer induced naps have made my skin look great. Bed rest, is just that. While I feel better today and will leave the house, I am not going to walk the dogs for two miles. There is no need to rush things. This weekend will be low key as well.

With a little planing ahead of time. I cleaned out the guest room, since I would be using it. And some trips to the store, my man has done all of those. For extra food and broth. Keep you head up and you can have a visit that will help you and you can still do this with a little grace.

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