Thursday, July 8, 2010


As kids we used to whine, "that's not fair!". It could have been some one was cheating in a sport or game. It could have been the fact that our parents didn't have the money to take us out for ice cream.

As we got older we had to swallow our pride and admit 'life is not fair'. Its a bitter pill to swallow and it is never easy. Okay maybe at the end of the week at the end of the bar with drink in hand, it can go down easier.

One thing I have never found fair is women that let the passion out of their married life. Sure its an effort to put on something lacy and when both people work it can be hard to find the time. Its there something great about being desired? That some one wants you? Has to have you? Of course!

So why be ridged? Why keep that away from your man, and in effect away from yourself? If we want our men to stay faithful we have to give them a reason. So take that long hot bath, get nice and smooth and fresh smelling for him, why not?

There is tons of advertising out there, with cute touched up photos of women ready to sell sex for anything. Soap. Remember people it's just soap. Or car tires or whatever. Again its not fair, not all of us are blessed with 'Model' looks. But remember ladies, your man picked you. You are still worthy of his attention.

So get some nice lotion,yes you can even find bath salts at the 99cent store. Smell nice and fresh and get it on with your man. Fair is fair, right?

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