Friday, May 2, 2008


I don’t know why southern Californians complain when we get a bit of rain. We need the rain for things to grown and we need the water later to drink and use to wash things.

One thing I will never defend is the driving around here when it does rain. Never let it be said that we know how to drive in the rain, since we clearly don’t. In one morning after a heavy rain there were 100 crashes. That was a few years back, but it still brings home the point that a little rain and every one freaks out.

If you look at the hills right now there is nice green grass and there is lupin blossoming on the sides of the road along the freeways. All this since we had a bit of rain.

I am looking forward to my spring garden to come up. I have planted tulips and other flowers. Later I will plant some veggies for the summer garden. Some of my tulips are starting to sprout.

We don’t have to plan too far in advance to get things to grow around here. Plus we don’t have to take things in like they do back east. I don’t know if I would like having to drag in plants and cover everything up like Martha Stewart shows on her program.

The only thing that I don’t like about the rain is that it keeps me out of the ocean. I know some don’t do this, but I make sure to stick to the 72 hour rule. I love to go out in the water but it is not worth me getting sick from the run off. I can wait it out.

I was glad that it had rained, when I planted my flowers since the ground was nice and soft. It was easy to work in. All of that and it was thanks to a little rain.

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