Thursday, March 10, 2011

This time

I have been working at a new job, the thing is its the same job I had when I was first working. We like to think as we get older, we get wiser. What has changed and what has stayed the same? Will I get it right this time?

This time around I am doing things much differently. When I was younger I spent a lot of money eating at restaurants. This time I bring my own lunch. Not only does it save money, I'm not running around spending my lunch hour chasing down fast food. Instead I eat, put my feet up and relax.

When I was younger the company people tried to intimated me into only using their products. While I have tried the new line I am working for, I don't care for it. I will use the brands I love and use the commission I earn to get what I want. The company people want me to dress a certain way for work. Fine, I can do that, but I will wear my Dr. Martin's shoes, for comfort and style.

The things that are the same, women really don't want to change. Especially older women. When they come into the store they want the girls to confirm that they are right. Some will say they want a new lipstick color but really that is just
an excuse to have some one pay attention to them. They end up buying pretty much the same color. Younger women will change colors, after 55 they buy the same color for the next 10 years.

Some older women feel that the prices are too high at department stores and instead of going to the drug store they feel the can beg for free samples or steal testers, as a way to compensate for all the money they just spent. They always pretend they don't understand or are confused as to the difference between testers and free gifts, as if they are one and the same. Its still stealing lady.

Some older ladies that use the most expensive face creams, they use it sparingly all year. They then come in and don't remember the name of the product. They expect me to remember them and their one purchase for the year. Sorry crazy lady if you don't know the name on the jar you have been looking at all year, how do you expect me to?

The younger girls that work for the company are bought and sold by them and believe everything the company says about the product as if it were the gospel truth. They have not tried too many other brands themselves, so they believe they have the best products in the world. Its really amusing to me, to be trained by them and keep a straight face. I manage to do that and I keep my views to myself.

Also this time around I am not trying to tell the customer what they want. I listen to them more and get them what they want. This has resulted in more sales. This time I do not listen to what my counter manager says and I do not push more products on people. I live in the real world and times are hard. People can only buy the product they came in for, nothing extra. They simply don't have the money for it. When people return items, its not that they got the wrong thing or the formula changed or any of the other excuses they give. They need the money back, since they are broke.

When I was younger it seemed nice to have the stores opened late. Now its such a bother. Do people really need to be shopping at 11 pm on the weekend? Really the company could save so much money per year if they closed the stores at 8pm, that is still three hours after people get off work from regular 9 to 5 jobs. If they need to shop later than that, there is always the website.

The things that have changed, I know my own mind. I have my own values and I know how to keep those and work for a company. There is no reason to give those up just to work for someone. When I was younger I didn't know how to balance the two.

Yesterday I was so tired and was at work since they thought they would need the extra help. Earlier in the week a lot of the girls called in sick. Yesterday everyone showed up. It was clear I wasn't needed. After two hours and selling nearly 300.00 worth of products, I could leave or drag my tired body around for another 6 hours. After clearing it with the manager I clocked out, went home ate lunch and took a much needed nap. I feel so much better today. Earning more money was not as important as taking a break. That it why it is better to be older and know what you really need.

1 comment:

JenniiDD said...

that's so funny, trying to steel samples, come on, you've been to a mall before, you know the drill, silly old ladies