Friday, February 18, 2011


In the last week I have gone to three events at South Coast Plaza. It may seem silly, but they do some nice things.

The first was for a lingerie shop that had my favourite champagne and chocolates out along with personal shoppers. It was a great time and we bought some nice things. There was also a gift cert, for a photo shoot and I have yet to look into that.

Since that was a great event, we were very disappointed in Fridays event. The Fashion show was nice and they had dragons in honour of Chinese New Year, they must have spent the bulk of their budget on those dragons. There was not the spread of former years and it was not as fun. I'm not sure if we will give that another try, there was some good discounts so that was nice.

The third event was yesterday and it was not explained to me well enough. At the make-up counter at a great store there was an artist there. After you spent a certain amount and had your make up done, not only did you get the gift but the artist, who does illustrations for major design houses and magazines, did a portrait of you. I would have done that had I known, I did get my make-up done and bought a few things, not enough to get my portrait done. He may not be back, I didn't totally miss out. I asked him to sign a Barbie that is part of the fashion house he does art work for.

Why keep going to this mall for events? Simple, free eats and drinks. These days only a few have the money to keep going out for fabulous evenings. With a little planning I have been able to have a great time and spend just a bit. The lingerie event was fun, even seeing a man buy two gifts one for his wife and one for his 'friend'. Really he is the sucker keeping up two women in expensive gifts.

The other way to help keep up a nice life style on a budget, the Bevmo 5 cent sale. Last weekend I was able to stock up on wines and champagne with out breaking the bank. That sale is going on for a few more weeks, Cheers!

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