Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cleaning house

The term ‘spring cleaning’ brings to mind mothers airing out the feather beds and going through the house and making sure every nook and cranny is clean. I missed the spring and am getting to it now.

It can be scary that two people can gather so much stuff. I have talked before about not having kids on this blog and I have to say my stuff would run over any kids things. I don’t even have room to house a guest. Well I didn’t till last week, but now it’s nice and clean and there is plenty of room.

This maybe the least interesting thing about me. Yes, I like to cook and clean. The reason I bring it up is only because it makes me feel good. When I am waiting for things to happen in the rest of my life I need a project to work on. At my job I audit myself to get things done. At home I need to clean and purge my house of extra things that I don’t need. It’s all about using my time for positive things and keeping too busy to worry about things I can’t change or things I have no control over.

I have just finished working on my book and after working on a long project like that the house does need to be paid attention to. At my office there is cleaning that can be done and I will get to that soon. As for the rest that I can’t control I have to keep praying about it and leaving it in more capable hands than my own. If nothing at all I can clean up and use my energy in a positive way. I might still have things on my mind but I will be too tired to worry about it for a long time and there is nothing like a nice clean house that you can invite your friends to.

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