Thursday, November 20, 2008


Over the last few weeks I have had an opportunity to see some Icons both Pop and Dance Icons.

The first was a Pop Icon and her performance with other Pop stars. It was something and I enjoyed seeing all. What is it about these larger than life persons that keep us coming back? Just to see what they do next, there is something to be said about their hard work and shows that is entertaining and fascinating. Why not go and see them?

It’s been said that it is hard to have this larger than life people in our vicinity. That it can be difficult for others, making them feel bad. As if they could never do these things or reach the heights of success, which should not be. It should be an inspiration not a discouragement. It doesn’t mean you have to be exactly like them. Could it push you to do more, and keep going? Why not think of it in those terms?

I can’t see being so in awe of someone that it would make me discouraged. I have gone up and talked to some of these ones and I always treat them as a person. They still have to dress themselves and they get up and toast their bagels like everyone else. I can’t think of their act as what they are like in real life. It’s an act, a show that’s the point.

Maybe I am just too realistic and logical for the one’s that cowers at the feet of Icons. They didn’t get there without a lot of hard work and sweat and paying their does. There is the rare person that becomes famous almost overnight. The trouble with that is they forever have to work hard to earn it. The ones that rise slowly are able to savor the success when it comes to them, not at once but at last.

I still look up to Icons. If they can do it and are mortals like the rest of us then yes there is hope. What does it take? From all the interviews I have read hard work, hard work and more hard work. Oh and meeting the right people, so no staying at home all the time. Time to roll up your sleeves and get going.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


In my weekly plans I usually stay home and cook and watch TV. I watch a lot of movies from old black and white films to cartoon movies. Of course that can get dull and we all need to get out in the evenings and go to a concert or have a nice meal out.

Last night I was treated dinner and a show at Dar Maghreb in LA. I have never understood that some people don’t like to drive far for dinner. Some don’t like to leave Orange County and drive in to LA at all. Driving is one of the pleasures in life. In the last few weeks I have been up to LA a few times.

Sometimes for writer’s events and like last night to support my belly dance teacher and see her perform in a showcase that will be ending soon. And from my experience last night it will be a loss. The food and service was really top notch and the honey lamb alone was worth the drive. The other event was a concert and it was worth the drive as well. I can’t say it was the best concert I have been to but it was something to see, very much the Pop Icon event.

I know I like to travel and not everyone does, but with all there is to see and do around here in Southern California it’s a crime not to go out and see some of it every once in a while. Of course if you can’t afford it that yes you have to stay in, it’s worth saving up and going out to see a show after a while and since you’ve been good and saved, it makes it that much better when you do get to go out.

For me the besides the dancing and the food, there was the sight of the full moon over the city. Driving by down town LA and seeing the skyline with all the lights on the buildings was great to see, it’s so pretty at night. It was a great night to be out.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Social Scene

In the next few months there will be more occasions for people to get together. While some of us look forward to all these social events it does mean we will all end up in some scary situations.

I have already had a few and will share what happened and what I did about it. First there is the racist couple at a recent dinner party. I have had this happen from time to time. They sit and talk about how things are in your country or neighborhood of origin. These are never kind remarks, but you are at a party with your man's work mates. This is not the time to call them names. Change the subject to something you might have in common. I changed the topic to travel and let this couple know I have been to Europe a few times in the last few years. Later I talked about dogs and we mentioned our favorite breeds. The husband talked about surfing and we both had that in common.

The second sticky situation is being in at a table with someone you just met or were forced to sit next to. At a writers conference I was sat next to a woman that looked at me as if she couldn’t understand how I was in the chair next to her and not part of the wait staff. Again using a bit of grace and good old fashioned manners, I was able to talk to her about property we used to own in her area. She looked shocked that I knew anything about real estate markets. I asked her about herself, when all else fails and you don’t know what to say, let them talk. People love to talk about themselves and you just sit there and don’t have to say anything more than, “oh, really.”

While these were similar situations, in both called for good manners. The funny thing is that some of my friends think that I can talk to anyone and that I make friends easily. I can when I want to, but in some of the time I am just listening to others talk and laughing. I am not telling them my deepest fears or making friends, just being polite. I can make it look fun and make it look like I am having fun, when I am just trying to be social and not make a scene.